Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Sale of Hood Street Hall

The Hood Street Brethren are closing down - and selling off the Hood Street Hall. Local residents may want to watch out for planning applications in the new year!

The Hall has been on the market since the summer and I understand that an offer has been received at the asking price.

Since the two elderly sisters living in the ground floor flat have been given notice to quit by 31st December, it's likely that a sale will go through early in the New Year.

One thing that surprises me is that the Brethren are not looking to rehouse the sisters themselves - but are expecting Castle Morpeth Housing (the newly created housing association that has taken over the Borough Council housing) to find somewhere for them. In fact I've been lobbied to chase up Castle Morpeth Housing on this.

Now I know that the Brethen are focussed on the 'rapture' associated with the Second Coming almost to the point of disregarding conventional Christian 'joy of creation' in this life - but you'd think they would find the resources to rehouse two elderly women themselves rather than depend on the state - especially given the amount of money they'll be getting for the site.

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