Monday, 30 July 2007

Town Centre Development - Latest Schedule

Latest schedule issued by Dransfield on town centre redevelopment:

Highways works incl widening Dark Lane, two new roundabouts and a 'pedestrian crossing facility' (do they mean a footbridge?) - due for completion midDec

Longstay car park on site of Retreat and south end of Geoff Brown's field - 115 parking spaces - due for completion 16th Nov

If all goes to schedule - the roadworks shold be finished and the new car park will be available for the run-up to Christmas

New petrol station will be built on the north end of Geoff Brown's field - starting 1st Oct, completion 29th Feb '08

Through the summer - there'll be preliminary work in Back Riggs to install new gas, water and electric services before the main development starts

Next stage will be construction of the new bus station (behind M&S)

Contact numbers for the contractors:
Thorntons (demolition of The Retreat) 01670 860335
Lumsden & Carroll (highways works) 0191 377 4500
Turtons (petrol station) 01924 477324

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